Include ShadeBtn.H in your source file. To register the class with the Presentation Manager, call shBtnInit. The class is called WC_shBUTTON. To make a button, call WinCreateWindow as you normally would to create a button (except that you use WC_shBUTTON instead of WC_BUTTON as the window class).

I've tried to make it so that all you would have to do is replace WC_BUTTON with WC_shBUTTON. There are only a few button styles that Shaded Buttons does not support (see 3.1 for more info). I'm thinking of creating another class that would be completely compatible with normal buttons.

You can also make a button in a dialog box in a resource file. See the .rc files in the samples directory for an example.

When the button is pushed, it will send a WM_COMMAND (or WM_CONTROL) message to its owner, just like a normal push button does. It can also be activated by hitting the space bar when it has the focus.

To change the colour of the button, send it a shBM_SETCOLOR with mp1 set to the RGB value of the colour, and mp2 set to shBSC_BUTTONFACE to change the button face colour, or shBSC_BACKGROUND to change the background colour.

Another way to change the colour of the button is to use presentation parameters. You can also change the font this way. (see 3.3 for the presentation parameters supported) To try it out, drag a colour from the Mixed Color Palette onto a button in the demo program. Or drag a font from the Font Pallette. (Try doing that in Windows!)

To determine the version of Shaded Buttons, use shBtnQueryVersion(). It returns the version number * 100 (eg. v 1.20 -> 1.20 * 100 = 120).

When you link your program, link it with ShadeBtn.lib. (hopefully it should work with compilers other than emx. If not, let me know, and I'll see what I can do about it.) Make sure ShadeBtn.dll is in a directory in your LIBPATH.

Shaded Buttons is also a PMCX control, so it can be used in the Universal Resource Editor, and Prominare Designer, as well as any other PMCX tools. Just register ShBtn.dll and it should work fine. Make sure ShadeBtn.dll is in your LIBPATH (or in the same path as ShBtn.dll), and make sure that you add ShadeBtn.h to your header file before you try to compile. (screen shot - 34k)

3.1 Button Styles

These are the button styles supported by Shaded Buttons. All the styles that it has in common with normal buttons (except shBS_NOBORDER) are equivalent to using just BS_xxxxxxx.
shBS_PUSHBUTTON creates a pushbutton (default)
shBS_CHECKBOX creates a check box
shBS_RADIOBUTTON creates a radio button
shBS_3STATE creates a 3 state button
shBS_AUTOxxxxx makes the button automatically check/uncheck itself (AUTORADIOBUTTON is not implemented yet)
shBS_ICON uses an icon instead of text. Uses button "text" as the id number of the icon. The text should be in the form "#[iconid]<,[disablediconid]>" where [iconid] is the id number of the icon, [disablediconid] is the id number of the icon to be displayed when the button is disabled. The portion in between the triangular brackets ( "<...>" ) is optional. Normal text can be placed at the end, and will be displayed along with the icon.
shBS_BITMAP like shBS_ICON, but uses a bitmap instead.
shBS_MINIICON same as shBS_ICON, but uses the smaller icon size
shBS_HELP sends a WM_HELP message when clicked
shBS_SYSCOMMAND sends a WM_SYSCOMMAND message when clicked
shBS_DEFAULT makes the button the default
shBS_NOLEFTLINE removes the border on the left side of the button
shBS_LEFTROUND makes the left side rounded
shBS_NORIGHTLINE removes the border on the right side of the button
shBS_RIGHTROUND makes the right side rounded
shBS_VERTICAL makes the button vertical (left to right gradient pattern)
shBS_NOTOPLINE removes the border on the top side of the button (when VERTICAL is set)
shBS_TOPROUND makes the top side rounded (when VERTICAL is set)
shBS_NOBOTTOMLINE removes the border on the bottom side of the button (when VERTICAL is set)
shBS_BOTTOMROUND makes the bottom side rounded (when VERTICAL is set)
shBS_NOPUSH makes the button non-pushable (eg. to make status bars)
shBS_NOBORDER removes the border on the edges of the button. (left and right borders if horizontal, top and bottom if vertical)
NOTE: the shaded styles are not yet implemented

I've tried to make it as compatible with the normal button class. Unless you use BS_NOPOINTERFOCUS, BS_NOBORDER, BS_NOCURSORSELECT, or BS_AUTOSIZE, you should be able to just replace WC_BUTTON with WC_shBUTTON in your source files. (Note that shBS_AUTORADIO and shBS_USERBUTTON aren't implemented yet.)

3.2 Window Messages

Shaded Buttons sends the following messages to its owner:
WM_COMMANDSent when the button is clicked (when it's a push-button).
mp1: Notification Code | ID
mp2: CMDSRC_PUSHBUTTON | pressed by keyboard?
the notification code can be one of BN_CLICKED, BN_DBLCLICKED (not implemented), BN_PAINT (not implemented)
WM_CONTROLSent when the button is clicked (when it's a radio button, check box, or 3-state). Message parameters are like for WM_COMMAND.
WM_SYSCOMMANDSent when the button is clicked (when it's a push-button and has the shBS_SYSCOMMAND flag set). Message parameters are like for WM_COMMAND.
WM_HELPSent when the button is clicked (when it's a push-button and has the shBS_HELP flag set). Message parameters are like for WM_COMMAND.
Note: the message parameters for WM_SYSCOMMAND and WM_HELP are likely to change once I figure out how they're supposed to be done.

Shaded Buttons handles the following messages:
WM_CREATESent when the button is created. The button saves the button text, the presentation parameters, loads icons if necessary, sets up variables for painting.
WM_DESTROYSent when the button is destroyed. The button unloads icons that it has loaded, and frees up memory that it allocated.
WM_PAINTSent when the button is to be painted. The button paints itself.
shBM_SETCOLORSent when the button colour is to be changed. The button saves the colours, and redraws.
mp1: RGB value of the colour
mp2: shBSC_BUTTONFACE for the button face, or shBSC_BACKGROUND for the background.
WM_SETWINDOWPARAMSSent when a window parameter is changed. The only window parameter handled is WPM_TEXT
WM_QUERYWINDOWPARAMSSent when the program wants to query a window parameter. Handles WPM_TEXT, WPM_CCHTEXT, WPM_CBCTLDATA and WPM_CTLDATA.
WM_QUERYCONVERTPOSReturns QCP_NOCONVERT. I don't know why, but Prominare said to do it.
WM_PRESPARAMCHANGEDSent when a presentation parameter is changed. The button saves the presentation parameters, and redraws. (see 3.3 for the presentation parameters supported)
WM_SYSCOLORCHANGESent when the system's colour scheme is changed. The button saves the presentation parameters, and redraws.
BM_SETCHECKSent to set the state of a check box, radio button, or 3-state. The button sets its state.
BM_QUERYCHECKSent to query the state of a check box, radio button, or 3-state. The button returns the state.
WM_BUTTON1DOWNSent when the mouse button is pressed. The button sets appropriate flags, and redraws the button (in the "down" state).
WM_MOUSEMOVESent when the mouse is moved. The button checks if the mouse button is pressed, and if the mouse is inside the button. Redraws if necessary.
WM_BUTTON1UPSent when the mouse button is released. Sets appropriate flags, and redraws if necessary. Changes state if it's an AUTOxxxx
WM_ENABLESent when the button is enabled or diabled. Redraws.
WM_SETFOCUSSent when the button loses or gains focus. Sets appropriate flags, and redraws.
WM_CHARSent when a key is pressed. Action taken depends on the key pressed. (see source code for details)
WM_SIZESent when the button is resized. Recalculates text position, and redraws.
WM_PAINTSent when the button is to be repainted. Repaints.
WM_DESTROYSent when the button is being destoyed. Destroys resources. Frees allocated memory.

3.3 Presentation Parameters

The presentation parameters that are supported are:
shBPP_BUTTONCOLOR change the button colour (using RGB values) (equivalent to PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR)
shBPP_BUTTONCOLORINDEX change the button colour (using colour indices) (equivalent to PP_BACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX)
shBPP_BUTTONBGCOLOR change the background colour (using RGB values) (equivalent to PP_USER)
shBPP_BUTTONBGCOLORINDEX change the background colour (using colour indices) (equivalent to PP_USER+1)
PP_FONTNAMESIZE change the font

Last updated March 21, 1998. <><
Created by Hubert Chan.
Optimized for Netscape 2.02 for OS/2.